Caste - The Origins of our Discontents

Caste - The Origins of our Discontents

Isabel Wilkerson's book "Caste" takes a deep dive into the social hierarchy in America and why it is not just a class system, but a caste system. The author defines caste as a "rigid ranking of human value" that is based on ancestry, birth, and inherited traits. She explores how this caste system began in America with the enslavement of African Americans and has continued to influence society in subtle and overt ways.

Wilkerson examines the similarities between the American caste system and those in India and Nazi Germany, revealing that the oppressive nature of caste systems can lead to dehumanization, violence, and genocide. The author also explores the ways in which the caste system has affected different groups, including black Americans, Native Americans, and immigrants.

To illustrate the effects of caste in America, Wilkerson tells powerful stories of individuals who have experienced discrimination and oppression as a result of their caste status. From a doctor who was denied the opportunity to work in a hospital to a young girl who was punished for speaking her native language, these stories are a poignant reminder of the impact of caste on people's lives.

Ultimately, Wilkerson argues that the only way to truly move beyond the caste system is to acknowledge it and actively work to dismantle it. "Caste" is a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of a deeply ingrained social hierarchy that affects us all.

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